Here is why I got a tattoo - if you do not know, in August of this year I had an ectopic miscarriage...this is what my friend and I have decided to call it after talking through the events. (you can read about it under the 'August' month tab and the post is called 'A Time for Everything) Well, let me go back - I miscarried in 2006 and I got a tattoo in remembrance of that baby lost. So when things happened this time around - I immediately wanted another tattoo. It is a part of the healing for me. It is like completing my family. Having those babies with me at all times, even though they are with the Lord. I never had an ultrasound picture to carry with me, nothing. So getting a tattoo (which I already had some before 2006) is a way to express myself, remember my children who are with the Lord, heal, and to me - it is the same as carrying a picture of Liliana with me...if that makes any sense.
This time I got a very simple tattoo and I did not get any date on it. I realize that since we are not done trying to have kids, there is always that possibility I may miscarry again and I do not want to get a tattoo for each loss - so this tattoo will be to remember any loss, loss I have had and loss in the future - should the Lord lead us down that path...I pray it will not be the case, but the future is always uncertain. Once we are done having kids, I can add a date(s) if I so choose. Currently, I do not see that happening. I am so pleased with this really is like a layer of my heart heals when I get the tattoo and it is like completing the space in our family where that baby would be.
So here is the tattoo - I just got it yesterday so it is not healed. It is on my left arm, on like the inside - close to my heart.

Great idea! Love the ink (I think that's how they say it in tattoo lingo). Miss talking to you I'll try to call soon. I still have Liliana's birthday present sitting next to my kitchen table. I really need to get that out to you before it doesn't fit her anymore. :)