Friday, May 29, 2009

We've Got A Mover!!!

So much has been going on with Liliana - I suppose I should take some time to update about my little nutter.

A few weeks ago I spent my first night away from Liliana. (I believe that while I sit here and post...she is filling her third poopie
diaper of the day for me) Anyway, the next morning I called Evan to ask him how everything went. He said she woke up a few times and one of those times he went in her room and she looked right past him and towards the door and said "Mama" - now, she has never said it before that and has yet to say it since. So, take it for what it is worth. ;) However, she has started to say "Dada" so that is pretty cool.

I also spent a weekend at the condo to help with Grandpa and so Evan was Mr. Mom during that time...of which he did a great job! So Monday morning comes and I feed Liliana and get ready for and head off to work. I drop Liliana off at my sister's and I put her directly into her crib there because she was napping in the car, and it was
nap time. I was almost to work when my sister called to tell me she went in there to get her because she was crying and she was sitting up! My sister told me that I did not tell her she could do that. (She could sit up if you put her sitting up, but could not get there herself.) I said she cannot do that, this was a first. So I proceed to call Evan and tell him and his response is..."oh yeah, she has been doing that all weekend." Oh, thanks for telling me. He thought I already knew. Like I would not tell him. (Men)

What else - oh, we have a caut
ious crawler! She started out going backwards, that is the routine...then started the rocking - she would rock so hard that her legs would move forward just by the motion of rocking. Then we took a few little "crawls" and face planted. Then in a few days, she was crawling like a pro. She does not speed around, but I am sure that day will come soon enough.

She is starting to try to pull herself up on things. She can get to her knees and actually is quite content that way. If you place her standing up with a toy or something, she will stand on her own for a little while.

She can hold a bottle by herself - when she wants to! She still is not into the whole sippy cup thing, bu
t I think it is because I have not found a good one for her yet. She had a Portillos French Fry. We are starting more solids, I need to get my butt in gear on this one. Oh, somewhere along the way we started waving bye-bye.

I believe that brings us pretty well up to date. Today she is a little under the weather - when we w
ent in to get her up (because I WAS going to work, I was all dressed and ready to go and it was early in the morning for her and I and I would have rather slept in) she looked at us and had snot all over her little face and dripping out of her nose...but she had a huge smile! So her and I have been hanging out today - I have yet to change out of my scrubs. I think she is a little dazed today...and she has been a little more tired than normal.....

IN FACT, she was playing in her exersaucer and I was checking my e mail for about 5 minutes and I thought, hmmm - she is being very quiet (she was right outside the office door, but my desk is around a corner) so I get up and look...and she was almost asleep. She looked at me and smiled. I am a sucker for a picture, so call me what you will - but I left her be for a few more minutes and came back for this:

Shhhh...sleeping baby! :)

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