(Just a quick shout out to a co-worker of mine, she is such a P.I.T.A. No joke!) ;)
Anyway, so I guess Wednesday was the last day I posted - I shall try to think back to Thursday. Oh, it is coming back to me and I must actually fill you in on a small detail from Wednesday, a discussion/possibility actually about us buying a house. It is a much longer story than need be posted at this juncture. So Thursday - I was gearing up to be a homebody after my half day of work and grocery shopping. I went to my sister's to pick up Liliana and was promptly going to leave to go grocery shopping and be home by the time Liliana needed to eat lunch. Well, I tend to stay longer at my sister's than intended. So by the time I was ready to go - I realized the time and so fed Liliana at my sister's. Shortly before we left, I got a call from Evan asking if I wanted to go look at the house after he gets off work, I said sure. So Liliana and I head to good ole Super Target for the grocery's. We get home and I unload the car and put away the goods. Then I feed Liliana and relax for a short time before Evan came to pick us up.
Off we went to look at the house. It's a nice house. 3 bedroom, 2 car attached garage and fenced in yard. Then we went out to eat. From there we stopped at my parent's to feed Liliana, because it was getting late and she did not want to eat at the restaurant, and to discuss the house a little. By the time we got home, I went straight to bed!
The house is something that we are praying about - if it works out, it is completely God's provision. We were not even looking for a house, but this would be a good opportunity on many levels. You could pray with us...
Friday was work out in the Naperville office. Yippee. I do not really mind working there, I would quickly ditch the commute though. It was slow there. Around 2:45pm the supervisor needed someone to run to the Aurora office to pick something up and bring it back and then they could leave - bye bye! :) I was at my sister's by maybe 4ish.
So we were talking, we always have something to talk about! We talk in the morning and when I pick Liliana up - ah, sisters. I was going to leave when her husband called and said he was going to be late - well, I stayed. My sister and I took the kids...Liliana and her 3 to Q Doba, we walked there. Probably about 1 mile away. And my sister was nice enough to buy my dinner! I do not even remember what the rest of Friday looked like, probably just me sleeping.
Saturday morning was a lazy, lazy, lazy morning for me. Evan went to help some friend's of our's move and I just could not find the motivation to do anything. Not a single thing, other than take care of Liliana. When she woke up from her afternoon nap, I was going to start doing something...the dishes. I was going to start with the dishes. In the last 20 minutes of her nap, I found myself taking a shower and getting ready to go to my friend's new house to see everyone. Evan and I did not get home until 9 Saturday night. I fed Liliana and off to bed we all went.
Sunday morning is when Evan takes care of Liliana while I sleep in a little. Well this Sunday I had every good intention of taking her in the morning because I knew he would be tired, I guess my body is trained because I did not hear one peep and slept until 11am. (Thank you Doobie) Now it was time for me to get ready to go to a friend's wedding shower. It was so nice to see friend's that I have not seen in quite a while!
After the wedding shower I picked up my sister, we stopped at Oberweiss, and then went to visit my Aunt and Grandpa.
So by the time I got home last night, I was pooped just watched a show I taped and then it was time for bed. I still have shows to watch from earlier in the week that I usually watch very punctually!
Another thing that has been going on is that Evan has had 2 interviews for a new position at work. We are really praying about this new job because we do not want to focus solely on the financial aspect, we want to follow God's Will and see where He wants Evan to be. We could use some prayers in this area for wisdom.
And now it is 9pm and I might just watch some tv and then go to bed by 10, sleep is good!

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