Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A bath for two?

This is Liliana's bathtub. Wonderful, cute little bathtub. It even quacks when you squeeze the beak!

Tonight was bath night. The duck goes in the tub. Lilia
na goes in the duck that's in the tub. And bath time goes smoothly, especially now that she can sit up on her own. It's actually a much easier time for me! Tonight however, held a new scenario.

I take her out of the bath and wrap her in her towel. I then try to empty the duck tub with one hand while still kneeling/sitting on the floor. As I have the duck almost straight up and down, I can't quite get the last bit of water out. I thought it was because the water was too heavy in the bottom little section and so the tub was just bending but not tilting enough to get the water out. So I work quite hard to get this emptied. (Why I couldn't just come back to it later when I had both hands, I don't know) Anyway, in a split second I'm drenched with water. I failed to remember that the tub has a suction cup so when you are done, you can hang it to dry and for storage. That same handy little suction cup, of course, got suction cupped to the bottom of the tub. And as I tried and tried to empty the water and dumb the tub over - the suction let loose and the water ended up on me!!!

Next on the agenda...letting her cry it out! You see, Liliana has slept through the night since about 8 weeks, and went to bed without problems! THEN, she started to roll. Her legs would get all twisted in the bars and she would get all worked up and I would hold her and rock her back to sleep. Then she wouldn't go to sleep anymore on her own, so I would rock her to sleep and then put her down every night. (My mistake, I know...but it's not the worst one out there) I guess I just melted every time and so I continued to do this. Who doesn't want to hold a sleeping baby, especially when the baby is their own!?!? But tonight, I was ready...ready to get her back to going to sleep on her own. I put her down and she was already asleep from taking her bottle. Of course, she woke up crying. 8pm...reposition, gave paci, said I love you...left the room. 8:10pm...same thing. 8:20pm...same thing. 8:30pm...same thing. 8:33pm...silence. 8:40pm...checked in and she was sleeping!!! Hopefully, there will only be a few short nights of this! Here's hoping! (it's now 9:39pm...she's still sleeping and has been sleeping since she fell asleep!!!)

1 comment:

  1. At first glance, the new bathtub reminded me of a scary mythical creature. Then after staring at it a while, I came to think of it as rather cute. (It looks gigantic, though!) I had to laugh at the statement mentioned of why you couldn't come back when you had 2 hands. Same thing happened to me today. I was trying to clean out a mug I used at work with one of those long handled brushes, using one hand, while holding my books in the other. Finally my boss, observing my total inadequacy at getting this done, said, "Do you want me to do that for you?"
