I went to a friend's wedding ceremony today and it made me think back to the day Evan and I got married. All the planning, details, and preparation for one day. That day came, and went. Seems it went faster than it came. I knew that was going to happen, so I made sure to relish each minute of that day because I knew I could never it get it back. At the start of that day, I needed to be reminded that it won't be like this for long.
9 months, actually 10. 10 months of carrying Liliana and her growing inside of me. The anticipation of her being born, was it a boy or girl, what would she look like, how would labor go...labor might have been long, but looking back - it was another day that went by so quickly...leaving me with memories that will last my whole life.
Those types of days not only leave me with memories that last a lifetime, but also impact my entire life. I don't have to worry about asking if I rushed the day, or if I was too busy thinking about everything else going on. I was able to stop and enjoy those days.
My sister gave me this framed saying after Liliana was born that mom had given to her...Babies don't keep....basically saying that all the things like housework and such can wait because babies don't keep, everything else will still be there. Everyone always says, "they grow up so fast!" I guess the song says the same thing - it won't be like this for long. So be sure to take time to enjoy each minute you have because it all goes by so quickly.
On the flip side, remember that even the hard times will pass quickly too. Those may seem longer in the moment, but overall - it will also pass. And chances are, something can be learned or gained from those times. Many times in the Bible it talks about how the Lord will refine us. Think of a goldsmith - he puts that unshaped piece of metal in a HOT BLAZING furnace, takes it out, shapes it...shapes it just perfectly. Sometimes he needs to put it back and heat it up again to make it soft so he can mold it into a perfect piece...the goldsmith's vision. And what he makes, there is intended purpose. So as the Lord refines us, it is to teach us and mold us and shape us into men and women who will glorify Him. (Psalm 66:10; Isaiah 48:10; Jeremiah 9:7; Zechariah 13:9; Daniel 11:35; Daniel 12:10; Malachi 3:2-3)
So take time to live - not worry about the next thing on the list, because that list will never end, it will only grow longer. It's an easy list to fill. But it is impossible to get little moments that mean so much back.
Remember the simple things :)

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