On Friday I went to a friend's house to check in on things while they were out of town. I pulled into the driveway and stopped to pick up the newspapers at the end of the driveway - so I just reached out and grabbed them and put them on my seat. As I continued up the driveway I had a thought that it probably wasn't the smartest thing to put these papers on my seat because they were a little wet from the rain...even though they had looked dry when I picked them up. Anyway, I parked the car and opened the door and picked up the newspapers and realized there was a worm on my seat - gross.
Friday night Liliana and I went grocery shopping to good ole Super Target. I'm SO happy they just opened one up by my sister's - so it's on my way home. We use to shop there all the time when we lived in Naperville and were so sad to move away from there. Since Liliana is no longer in the infant carrier and in the convertible car seat - it would be her first time in the cart! It went well. She seemed to have enjoyed herself being able to see everything that was going on. She would start to slouch to one side or the other and so I was in the diapers/wipes isle so I just took a few packages of refill wipes and packed her in so she couldn't tilt...and off we went!
Saturday was pretty busy for me...I went to get a haircut. It was successful in the fact that I did indeed get my hair cut. It's not EXACTLY what I was anticipating - it will take some getting use to, but it's alright. It is nice to have short hair again, I didn't realize how much I missed it. I wish I would have chopped it before going through labor - man that was annoying! Here is a picture from when I got back from getting it cut - so it will never look like this again! :)

Mommy & Liliana (7 months)
After that I met up with a friend for coffee and that was a lot of fun because it had been quite a while since we had seen each other.
Sunday. Geez, it was just yesterday and I had to stop and think about what went on. Evan took care of Liliana in the morning and let me sleep in. Then we ran a few errands and we were off to Nana's to color Easter eggs. That's always a lot of fun - especially with the kids! And there is always fun to be had at Nana's! Here is everyone looking out the window - and then me looking in! :)
Last night Liliana was a little stinker. Not sure why she didn't want to sleep through the night, but she didn't want to. She was up from about 2:15am to 4:15am. Then up again at 5am. Then I'm not sure when she got up again because Evan got her before she made a lot of noise for me to notice she was up. Needless to say, Evan and I are a bit tired today.
It was a nice day for me because we closed early since there was no doc in this afternoon. So my sister and I had lunch together and then I came home and did a few things around the house and then held Liliana for her nap since she would have it no other way. Then it was time to feed her and play and give her a bath and time for bed!
Soon, it will be time for me to go to bed too!
Sunday. Geez, it was just yesterday and I had to stop and think about what went on. Evan took care of Liliana in the morning and let me sleep in. Then we ran a few errands and we were off to Nana's to color Easter eggs. That's always a lot of fun - especially with the kids! And there is always fun to be had at Nana's! Here is everyone looking out the window - and then me looking in! :)
Last night Liliana was a little stinker. Not sure why she didn't want to sleep through the night, but she didn't want to. She was up from about 2:15am to 4:15am. Then up again at 5am. Then I'm not sure when she got up again because Evan got her before she made a lot of noise for me to notice she was up. Needless to say, Evan and I are a bit tired today.
It was a nice day for me because we closed early since there was no doc in this afternoon. So my sister and I had lunch together and then I came home and did a few things around the house and then held Liliana for her nap since she would have it no other way. Then it was time to feed her and play and give her a bath and time for bed!
Soon, it will be time for me to go to bed too!
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