I can't believe a week has gone by without me posting...and then again - I'm not surprised! I guess I'll just jump right in. There was one morning that Evan was helping me get Liliana ready to go and he put her in the highchair once she was all ready. I sat across from her to put on my shoes and she was trying desperately to see me over the two toys we have on the table. She tried to stretch and look over them, but couldn't make herself tall enough. She ended up looking through the spaces of the toys, it was just the cutest thing! I think it's also so cute to me because she knows me as mommy and wants only mommy sometimes and wants to see me if I am in the room!

One night this week we just played around in her room as she rolls all over the place trying to get ahold of the things she wants. We're not to the crawling stage just yet, but she can sure get around! Then we were just being goofy and taking pictures! :) (it really irritates me that sometimes the pictures upload the wrong way for no reason)

We also took a picture of Liliana in a bib that Katie (my niece) had and I knew I had a picture of Katie in the same bib....

Oh - almost forgot...Wednesday. You may notice in any picture that contains myself that my hair is, yet again, different. That's because on Wednesday when I got to my mom's to pick up Liliana - I had a barrette in my hair, which my mom hates. I told her I couldn't do anything about it because the way my hair was cut, the hair fell right into my eye. Not over, directly in my eye. Well, the next thing I know we are discussing her cutting my hair and I was on board! I told my mom I felt like Fraulein Maria from the Sound of Music, and she said I look like her. So, my mom cut my hair to the hairstyle that I had several years ago and for so many years. The moral of the story: I should not stray from what I know. I shouldn't have grown my hair out, and I shouldn't have tried a new hairstyle. I always wondered how people could have the same hairstyle for years upon years - but now I know. I feel like myself again. I feel like I can function - I just feel so much better now!
Ok, moving on. Saturday was a busy day. Liliana and I went out to lunch with Amanda and Katelyn. Amanda and I have been friends since preschool and so it's so cool that our little girls get to know each other right from the start! We put Katelyn and Liliana in their high chairs next to each other and they were so cute. Katelyn was nicely sharing with Liliana and they had a good time together!

Liliana @ 7 months & Katelyn @ 15 months
Then it was off to Auntie's surprise birthday party! I believe it was a success, she had no idea everyone was going to be there. I even told my sister that we both had to call and wish her a Happy Birthday earlier in the day because as far as she knew - we weren't going to see each other!

Daddy & Liliana - a plate was all it took to keep them both occupied and happy. Go figure.

Liliana is stylin' thanks to Auntie Sandy!
That brings us to today! Liliana wore a dress to church that Uncle Chad & Auntie Sherry bought her from Hawaii, and then she had her Easter dress that Nana bought her. I figured to put her in one for church in case she spit up on it, then she'd still have her Easter dress for dinner! So here are pictures from today.

Sexy little mama!