I just cannot believe some things I read today -
Take for instance this: http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/10050768/Firestorm-over-column-linking-kidnap-victim,-sports?GT1=39002 I read this guy's column and personally, did not find anything wrong with it. In fact, I thought it was kind of cool. Wouldn't you want to know what has been going on in the world? I thought it was sincere and light-hearted and yet he was criticized so much - he had to issue an apology. Ridiculous. It really got my goat.
People Magazine - let me just page through it and give you my gripes...
While I do this - did you watch Oprah today? The begining of the show was totally cool!
My B.I.L. had knee surgery this morning, all went well and he is at home recovering!
And did you know that you can order coffee at dunkin donuts to be half regular and half decaf? Just in case you are interested...I thought I would share that with you - seems that not everyone knew this and so have not been ordering that way eventhough they would like it that way.
Ok - Kathy Griffin - Has the "Kate" Hairstyle....blonde and all, not doin' it for me. You are a red head!
20 years since the movie When Harry Met Sally came out. Hilarious movie, one of my favorites! My friend got married and few years ago and now the street she lives on is Sheldon. Even more hilarious. Everytime, every single time, I address mail to her and write Sheldon - I make sure it stands out! If you have no clue what I am talking about, you are not a When Harry Met Sally fan and shame on you.
Apparently it is very important for us to know that Macaulay Culkin was at Michael Jackson's final farewell and "he went up to the casket and took a flower off it" - woah, stop the presses! Did they have nothing else to publish there?
Props to Mary J. Blige - when asked what her marriage secret is - she responds with "the key is praying." Could not be more true!
Here is news I did not know, and wish I did not know - Former Americal Idol contestant got married in Oak Brook, IL - the reason I wish I did not know...he married a guy. Oh, excuse me - they exchanged vows.
Have not heard the name Brian Boitano in a long time...he is cooking up a storm these days. Who knew he had interests outside of skating. He was an awesome skater! (Ice skating for those of you in the dark ages)
Amazing - really amazing...prosthetic tails, flippers and paws...no joke. Really cool that our animals are being taken care, even to the extreme of getting prosthetics. Even an Eagle's beak!
No one cares why Tyra lost 30 pounds...and Tyra, no one really cared to see you without your hair all done up.
And thus concludes my random thoughts from today. I would include work thoughts - but that might get me fired and I do not want that......or.....do I???? JUST KIDDING.
Here is a random picture of Liliana - this face JUST PLAIN CRACKS ME UP!.jpg)
This is one of the pics I ordered, it is so funny! She looks as if she saw something that freaked her out. Love my baby girl.
This is one of the funniest posts yet!