Like a few weeks ago when I picked Liliana up...we were on the floor together and I picked her up and started to roll on my back and hold her up over me and she smiled and out came a large stream of spit up that landed right on my chest - warm, blop. (yes, own word) I just laughed and laughed and inbetween laughs I asked Evan to bring the wipes!
I have also gotten through some trying moments by just saying "I love you." I am sure there will be many more of these moments, but a lot of them came when she was smaller and would spit up a lot or something - I would just look at her and say "I love you Liliana" and clean things up and move on.
Today was a laughing day. It started this morning when I got Liliana dressed. I stood her up to get a hug and I said "oh, you're just SO CUTE!" And she looked up at me with a big ole cheeser grin. I laughed. And told her again how cute she was.
I was crying at work I was laughing so hard. I know that I am going to tell you the whole story on here and it is going to be one of those times where at the end of the story I say, "guess you had to be there." So it is almost pointless for me to tell you the story - but since I have come this far I cannot leave you hanging. *names have been changed* Lucy comes over and sits down and is somewhat facing I can see Lucy and I can see Pearl...but Lucy and Pearl cannot see each other. The topic came up that a lot of people are charging things. I said I get made fun of because I still write checks, a lot. Lucy said she charges things and then writes one big check. (I sometimes do that, by the way) And then Lucy proceeds to say that checks cost too much. I said they are not that expensive, I can get them for like $7 a box from here or there. Lucy said she gets them from her bank because she is scared to go outside of the bank for them and they are expensive. Pearl chimes in and says that she use to go outside for checks too, but now she gets them from her bank because they are free. We ask Pearl what bank she goes to and she says TCF and Lucy stops what she was doing and just looks - stares into space. Priceless look. I ask Lucy if she has the same bank and she says yes. So Lucy banks at TCF and finds the checks to be expensive and Pearl banks at TCF and gets free checks. (I know, you do not see much humor in this...definitely not enough to have made me had to be there!)
The best though - now, if I do not blog is because my husband has read this and has since thrown away my computer - following through on his threat.
Ok - the best was tonight...I had to call a friend to tell her the story it was so funny. Evan had been saying he was going to sew a snap onto one of Liliana's bibs so that she could not take it off all the time...and the velcro was dying. So he worked on that tonight. He comes in the office and throws the bib at me. As I start to inspect his work and snap the snap...he comes next to me. I just look at him and hand the bib back. And I am laughing. He tries to snap the snap. A smile smerks across his face and I BUST OUT IN A GUT LAUGH OUT LOUD LAUGH!!! He did a good job know how one snap has the little part that sticks out to connect into the hole on the other part? Well, both parts had the little part that sticks out - so you could not snap it together. HI...LARE....E..US! (I do know that is not how you spell it, that is how I am "saying" it!) Seriously, he was a little upset at my reaction...but in reality...he could not keep it together himself! So funny, so funny. He went and fixed it and now it is correct and he did a great job! :)
(and then he told me if this story ended up on my blog, he would throw my computer out)
Seems that as soon as Liliana turned 1 - she became a character. Always cheesin' it up!!! :)
She is posin' - thinkin' she is all that and everything else!

Here she is in her car seat that now faces forward. It is so cool to turn around and see her smiling back!
So - I hope you have some laughter in your life every single day!
I will not throw your computer away... it was kinda funny. You know I went to put my shirt on today and had this thing in the way and then realized the hanger was still in tht shirt. hmpf...