Sunday, September 27, 2009

WTF!! Commenter - You're in trouble

I do not know who posted "WTF!!" on my post 'Another' and 'Chop Liver' - but I am mad.

For those of you who do not know, the standard meaning of "WTF" is What the Fu**

Now - I could see the comment being posted on 'Chop Liver' - but NOT 'Another'...that is too far, that is about my daughter.

NOW, I also realize that there could be other meanings of "WTF"
For instance:

Wow, that's funny!
Where's the fly?
What's the fuss?
so on and so forth

So - to whomever posted that, you better redeem yourself. Re-post and let me know what it is you really meant by those letters.

This is making me re-think having comments open to anyone - meaning you would have to sign in to post a comment. It is also making me re-think having an open blog - meaning you would have to be invited by me to read my blog. I will most likely make these changes within 24 hours if there is no response to this because I am that upset about it. It was uncalled for.

And if you think I am going to far for something that seems so trivial - it is not trivial to me, I will not apologize, and I do have my period. You picked the wrong week to make that comment.


  1. "OH MY GOD!!" How could someone write such things, that is what happens when you are to lazy to spell words out, they get mistaken for other thinigs. I find it hard to believe that anyone could write WTF about a blog that is about that beautiful child..just look at those feet, makes me want to go through the screen and kiss them.
    Anyway I hope you did mean wasn't it funny, but if you really didn't ....shame on you!!!

  2. Go Marla! I can't stand it when people say that in person and for some chicken who doesn't even say who they are to say that to your posts - grrr - find something better to do. No one has to read the blogs that are out there. If you don't think what we say is interesting then just move on. Even though there is freedom of speech it doesn't mean that you have to forget all decency. I for one thought they were fine posts. That's the beauty of blogging. We have the right to post whatever we feel we would like to share. Way to stand up for your family!
    Hope to talk to you soon.
