As I watched these music videos, you can see that Michael Jackson was happiest when he was performing. Obviously, that was his passion. It made me think about what my passion really is...and that I should dive into those things.
The other thing that struck me about Michael Jackson during the years his career was growing was that he was himself. I think part of the reason people wanted to watch him perform is because there is something about watching him perform that hooks you in - I think it is the fact that he really was enjoying himself and doing what he loved to do. He went after his dreams. He worked to see his ideas come into fruition. He wore some funky outfits and did some crazy dance moves, but he was himself and it reminded me that all I need to be in this world is myself - who God created me to be. It may seem like this is a stretch...but God can use the strangest things to speak to us.
I just need to be secure in my identity in Christ and glorify Him - I will be filled with the joy and the peace that passes all understanding, and His light will shine through me.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
God gave everyone a talent to use to the best of their ability. Michael Jackson fulfilled that gift. In doing so, he brought together a world of people, who simply enjoyed watching talent at its best. After his death we find how he touched the lives of so many. People need to feel important as Michael made them feel, even Michael. God has a plan for everything.