(and then promptly stop it! You will understand why quite quickly)
So...this is my bike. I actually have two bikes, the other is much more used than this one as this is the newer of the two. My other bike has been through some pretty nasty spills, but it is a good bike and I like it and other than one break making a lot of noise when you use it and some scratches on it...it still works. This bike is pretty cool..

I had sort of forgotten all about the fact that I have a bike to ride. (Which is why this beginning of that song seemed appropriate - besides the fact that it is Pee Wee Herman and cracks me up, every time!) We lived in apartments for so long with no room to store our bikes, that we have not gone bike riding in a very long time. Last year we did not go on any bike rides because I was pregnant with Liliana and did not do a thing, I barely fed myself for lack of laziness - okay, there was a little more to it than that, but not much.
Moving on - as I mentioned earlier, I am trying to shape up and one of the ways I am doing this is by walking. Well, today at work a co-worker mentioned that she was up to riding her bike for an hour at a time. It was at that moment that I remembered I have bikes I can ride! I had to work late tonight and so by the time I would be able to go for my walk, it would be getting dark, if not already dark - and walking 2 miles in the dark by myself is not a preferred thing to do, but...riding my bike can be done! Seems a bit safer to me. So I got home and told Evan that I was going to ride my bike instead of walk tonight. While I put Liliana to bed, he graciously got my bike ready for me to go. The tires needed air in them and it is a good thing he did it because I would have just filled them right up to the recommended amount...but he was smart enough to think ahead - the fact that it has sat all winter and the tires might be shot...so he filled them with air appropriately, a little under the recommended amount, and I gave it a test ride over some bumps and it seemed good to go.
I got ready to go, plugged my headphones in and I was off. I rode 1 mile in about 5 minutes. So I decided to go a bit further - all in all I believe I rode 4 miles in about 25 minutes. I wanted to ride for about 30-45 minutes, but I think I did alright. It was a little cool tonight, but I was able to work up a little sweat and was definitely out of breath when I got back. I was cruising pretty good. I probably could have changed to a bit harder of a gear, but for my first night out on the bike for more than a casual ride - I was doing pretty good.
And thus continues my journey to Shape Up or Shape Out.
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