Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I have nothing to blog about. Last night and tonight I have sat for a few short minutes thinking of what to post - and nothing comes to mind. I think it is because I am drained from working late last night and tonight.

So, I thought I would just post a picture of Liliana and call it a night!
Taken 6.10.09 - 9 Months

I was just reminded of one thing I could post about (I am now editing this, I am so lame) - it is about how my day started once I left the house...I was not 1 minute away from home. I thought there was a leaf in the road...as I got closer I realized it was a bird. Birds move. This bird committed suicide. It did not move. It just got flattened, but the tire of my car. Oops.


  1. She's probably looking a little upset because you took a naked picture of her and put it on the web. Poor baby!

    And yes, I am quite shocked you have nothing to talk about. You truly must be tired. :)

  2. I think she is upset cause you have nothing to say about her...

    I know how that poor bird felt, been thinking I's like to find a tire to do me in, it would have to be an 18 wheeler LOL!
    Love, Mom
