This is my little invention. Everyone knows that stage where you get up during the night to give your sweet little baby a paci so they will go back to sleep. Liliana does not do this often anymore - but there was a time that it was about 3 times a night or so. She would just cry and if you give her a paci, she would go back to sleep. Now it happens on occasion. Well, when I wake up in the middle of the night, the last thing I want to be doing is looking for paci's. Who the heck knows where they could be. Yes, I am fairly organized and so I know where the stash is...but do I really want to be going to the closet and pulling out my bin-drawer for a paci? Nope, not really. And you have to have more than one around because the paci that started in the mouth could end up anywhere...like on the floor between the crib and the wall and I sure as heck am not getting those until there are no more paci's to be found! So alas, I bought this cheap little container and Evan zip-tied it to the crib. Makes for a simple pacifier holder in the perfect place!
Now when I go in, I just pick up a paci and find her mouth. (although sometimes, she already has one in her mouth...she just decides to let out a cry!) Then in the morning I will pick her up and sometimes find 3 under her belly! If I would have just looked for the one she had, but that is to much work for me in the middle of the night. :) Sort of funny.
This morning was the best. On Saturday mornings Evan goes to Bible study at church, they start at the butt crack of dawn. So Monday through Saturday is all mine...Sunday morning is Evan's, and my day to sleep in a little. (Thank you Evan!) Anyway, she actually slept until 8:30...wonderful!!! First, I go to the bathroom and then I go in her room to see her smiling little self sitting in her crib, looking at me with a huge smile - she had a pacifier in her mouth...one in each hand...and 1 on each side of her on the mattress...apparently, now that she is a bit more mobile...she was able to move the paci holder on the crib down - as one zip-tie is not tight enough - and she must have just kept pulling the paci's out - no wonder she was quiet while I went to the bathroom!
Hopefully Daddy will have the same luxury tomorrow morning, as I did this morning! Good thing he is already sleeping in case it does not work out that way.

But now, it is time for me to end my relationship with the computer for the evening and start one with my pillow...
Liliana @ 9 months...there are a few pictures that are just my favorite from today. You know, if I had a room - a room all to myself - I would plaster it with some of my favorite pictures. I would not leave one spot of wall. It would be like a time line because I would just keep putting them up in order...not all over the room at once - just start at one end and work my way around. I could stare at pictures for hours. It is more than just the people in the picture, it is the picture itself - you know, a well taken picture. One day, I am going to have that room....
ok, really going to bed now.
Yes, we did have a good time and the pictures of Lili are great ! You always take such good ones.
ReplyDeleteLove M
Great invention! As you know I too try to be a pretty organized person, but pacifiers always seem to be everywhere, but where you look. I may have to try that invention in Wesley's crib as well.
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of Liliana on the motorcycle! What an absolute cutie!