Friday, July 17, 2009

Jumbleness of Things

I have nothing to really say, nothing important or really worth while - but I figured I would post anyway.

Today at work was fun. Yes, I said that. When I first got up this morning (as most Friday's) I just wanted to go back to sleep and wished for 5pm for the weekend to start. I was so out of it that I did not want to do one thing this weekend. I wake up on Friday's at 6am and leave out the door with Liliana by 6:30am, not a minute later. (OH, I should tell you about my morning yesterday) Anyway...there was just a very fun, easy-going, light hearted mood today. I will not say why I think that is. I got to organize! Yeah, yeah...I am pretty lame. I got to drill some holes in the wall and hang up this contraption that helped organize the front desk - even though I sit there rarely, it looks much better. I am probably in trouble though because my boss asked me to do something and I honestly could not do it. It was to list out the things that are done at check out...I could not, i cannot do it. I can do the job, quite well...I think...but I cannot list the stuff out. I just do it. Strange. We had a rep bring us lunch today - Olive Garden. I had so much food and a huge piece of this chocolate thing for dessert and I probably could have had more! I was like a bottomless pit today.

Then tonight, I went out shopping. I went to Office Depot - I tried the other night but they close at 8pm now...dumb. I wanted to get some lamenating sheets and I did get them and I also go some cool envelopes, an eye glass repair kit (which I promptly used when I got home), and some pens. I am a pen phene. I like to write and I have certain pens I like to write with...blah blah blah.

Ok - on to the exciting part for me...sounds lame though. I have a notebook "Letters to Liliana" - I write letters to Liliana in there, duh. There have been some little things and pictures and such that I want to lamenate right onto the I finally got to do that tonight. And then I wrote her a letter with one of my new pens...oh my goodness it is a nice pen. You know Papermate has Flair pens...and they are nice. Well, now I consider them alright. They have NEW Flair pens...Flair Expressions and they are not suppose to bleed through your paper. Man, are they nice!!!

ok - my morning travel yesterday. I ended up being half an hour late to work because of this - so mad. Let's just call the streets A, B, and C. (These are the main roads of which I do not want to name on the WWW) I started down A to get to B...the same route. I saw that A was backed up and knew it would be a long time before I got to B. I decided to go to C. This is not out of my way...just more side streets. I took a round about way to get to C because, was round about. I FINALLY get to C and I am seconds away from B - my actual road destination - when I see that the ramp is CLOSED. I had to detour all the way BACK to A. I wanted to cry and I think if I would not have gotten into trouble and did not have a conscience...I would have called in and gone home. So I started the detour back, ended up waiting in traffic because of commuter trains and then finally ended up on B - off of the road I started on that I got off of to begin with.

Wait, to top it off - I was telling a co-worker this story and she said I could have turned left on C (instead of turning right and following the detour all the way back to A) and gotten onto B from there. But, I did not feel too bad about that because I could not have done that the way the roads just put me on the detour path. That was so dumb.

I guess I am going to bed now. Oh, I got to sleep in bed last night! I went back in the room for something and realized the dripping was not going on and so I hopped into bed and fell right to sleep! Anyway, I am tired and we have a busy weekend, sort of...busy compared to doing nothing as the norm...and my lovely husband is telling me that I am being mean to him when he is the one being mean to me - go figure.

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