Friday, July 24, 2009
What do you see?
I think this is my new favorite songs.
What do you see? What do you see when you close your eyes and think of Yahweh?
I close my eyes and I see my God stooped down, arms stretched wide, a smile from ear to ear on His face, calling me to Himself, calling me by name. I see me, running towards Him. When I get to Him, He wraps His arms around me and holds onto me, even picks me up. Just like an earthly parent to their child. You know - when the baby starts to crawl or walk and you get down to their level and show all this excitement, calling them towards you. And when they get there, you embrace them and hug them and praise them and you are so happy they are there - they came to you, they are in your arms. I imagine that to be my God. So excited to have me run to Him. So happy to take care of me. So happy I chose Him. I think of being that child who got to their mom or dad and how safe they feel in their arms. I wonder why I am not always quick to run to my Father's arms.
I see His arms stretched out and nailed to the cross, it is my sin that held Him there. I see his head hung because He died for me. He died to pay the price I should be paying. He died so that I could spend eternity with Him in Heaven - the most glorious place with my glorious God.
I see an example set for me to follow; He even left me a love letter with instructions and encouragement.
I see a loving Father.
I see Him weeping when I turn away from Him.
I see Him pleading my case to His Father; telling His Father that He took my place and I am washed clean now, washed by the blood shed from His body.
I see Him watching over me.
I see a jealous God.
I see a just God.
I see Him smiling when I please Him.
I see Him raising the sun by just pointing His finger at it.
Tonight, I see my God bowling. :) When I was little and it would thunder and lighting my mom would tell me the thunder is just God bowling in Heaven.
What I see, makes me smile. It makes me love Him even more. It makes me want to strive to serve Him and glorify Him with all that I am, the best I can. It makes me want to spend time with Him.
What do you see? Just sitting for 5 minutes thinking of what you see - it could strengthen your relationship with Him. It could prepare you for a quiet time with Him. It could just change your whole attitude if you were previously completely ticked off because you might not be able to finish your child's scrapbook because of a stupid reason - in fact, I am telling you it CAN change your attitude! :)
...His banner for us is love. That is taken from Song of Solomon 2:4. He is proclaiming His love for us. How awesome!
I need to be more diligent about spending time in the Word...I think I will start my quiet times off with this song. It prepares me to seek Him - it reminds me how much my God loves me. He sings to me. He prays for me. Those are just awesome thoughts for me.
What do you see?
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Well said.